Lesson Rates | Contact

Lesson Rates

lesson rates PGA professional John B Lombardo
PGA Of America
 John B Lombardo
Expert Golf Instruction
Class A1 PGA Professional
 *John’s cell phone or text (anytime): 315-224-1103
Lesson Rates 2024
“Give A Lesson a Try! Trust your PGA Professional-Trained in the Business of Golf With Your Best Interests at Heart”
Expert Instruction!

“It is my goal as a teacher to first and foremost connect with you as a student and as a person. Then we can go about our business of making you a more consistent and competent golfer.”

*Single Lessons-$90
*Junior Lessons $60
*Group Rates: $60 per student

*John’s cell phone or text (anytime): 315-224-1103

Dutch Hollow CC: 315-784-5052

email John at lombo@pga.com to book an appointment, or with any questions or comments

Dutch Hollow CC Website